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Showing posts from April, 2018

First ULBS for English

First ULBS for English So ULBS. Honestly don't know what that acronym is supposed to work, so... yeah. It's kind of like an oral test made by the government to test the student's ability to speak. As if we don't have mouths. Lovely. My first ULBS was to talk about a book and how the book impacted me and my life. Generally a book reader, this isn't hard task to accomplish. Instantly I picked up the book titled "What Would Google Do" or WWGD. It's a book talking about Google the globalwide company we know today and reverse engineering the ways it took to achieve such a position. The book doesn't contain any plot, which was kinda disappointing. I really wished I could read a story about Google and his adventures on Earth. Anyway, the book talks about ways to achieve certain thing - accepting and giving constructive criticism, work in a group, etc. It was really interesting that we could learn this despite not knowing about the cooperation. Maybe...

Detective's Duty

14 April Night falls upon the city of Augustus. Silence fills the air, with the occasional cars passing by and the lights flickering, falling into disrepair. Suddenly, gunfire broke the silence. The man stood there, watching on what he had done, and knew that this was only the beginning. On the other side of the street, a detective, Stanley was wandering about hears the shots. Gang fights ? Probably. Augustus isn't a peaceful city. Gangs rule the streets.  The detective thinks to himself. He has been searching for an assassin for quite some time now, and dedicated endless amount of time to track him or her down. An archive filled with evidence of his appearance. A map to see the assassin's link with the victims and theories to make sense of his murders. His sanity was slowly losing, and time was running out. The assassin is skilled and tactical one. He knows where the police were operating, and knew how to avoid them.Hiding in the day and operating under ...

Kem Membaca 1 Malaysia

So last week my school held something called Kem Membaca 1 Malaysia, or in English, Reading Camp 1 Malaysia.  Organized by the school library team, it was designed to encourage the students to read more. During the duration of the event, we had word-search and a quiz consisting of randomize questions, even though it was from last year... But, the most interesting event happened on the third day, where our English teacher, Pn Monica, told us to get into groups of two and talk about our story books to other classes. When the time came, the entire class scattered and went to their respective classes. I was paired up with Chung Wei and together we went to the Form 1 classes to introduce and talk about our books, titled Wonder  and what would Google do ? respectively. Overall, the students responds were quite interesting ,with most asking where to get the books, to the odd questions like why would I read a boring book. Anyways, it was kinda fun to introduce a book to Form 1 s...

What I Learned About How My Effort Will Contribute To My Exam Marks

Well. after getting my terrible exam results, I decided to break down what went wrong in my preparations for the exams. To get down to the root of the problem, it's studying and the time spent doing it. I either do it too much, or too less. I need to organize my time even better than before, so I don't constantly burn the midnight oil, or sit around doing nothing. The worst result I got was Additional Maths. The only way I could get better in this was to do more practice. Time to start hitting more books then ! I need to put in more effort on my studies to get at least decent results for my mid-term, which is usually going to be even harder. Let's hope I actually stick to the plan this time. Cheers, Chua.