Teachers' Day
Woooo it's Teachers' Day ! Now now, where's Principal Day then ?
Jokes aside, Teacher's Day was fun. (Except when they spelled "Happy Teacher's Day" instead of "Happy Teachers' Day", but you know, no one's sweating the details and everyone had fun.)
Teachers' Day is the annual celebration where we honour our teachers for doing what they do best, teaching us ! And on this day, we get thank them by giving them gifts, or simply just wishing the Happy Teachers' Day, to show gratitude to their teachings, whether it's boring or not.
This year's Teachers' Day was quite enjoyable, though I was not a fan of huge gatherings as my ears hurts when it comes to noisy environment. Still quite funny that they let the PIBG member to announce the ICT-Ton program so that we could help them collect money to renovate the school. You know, next time just sells stuff, works better.
Moving on to the performance. A few of my friends (looking at you, Pei Tong, Derrick and Henry), were performing to K-pop songs that sound oddly like J-pop songs. Though still haven't found out the answer to my question, it was pretty good to see my classmates that are normally quiet and less active with the ability to dance like they were on fire. Or as the "cool" kids call them, "lit".
Overall, Teachers' Day was a wonderful day to celebrate. We didn't even have any classes. Let's hope next year will be as "lit" as this year.
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