Finally, after a long time, we finally get a free topic to discuss. Simply marvelous ! So, even though everyone would probably disagree/ not read this, but I would love to share some WW2 stories.
Have you ever heard of the myth, "Carrots will improve your eyesight." ?
It is a very common myth, usually spread by mothers in an effort to encourage their children to eat carrots on their plates. But, has anyone ever told you where the myth came from ?
As I said at the first paragraph, this myth obviously came from WW2.
During World War 2, the British Royal Air Force developed new and improved radar technology. This helped them to fight back the Luftwaffe planes during the dead of night, as German fighters bomb various strategic and civilian targets, such as certain air force bases, ports and cities to cripple Britain and forcing them to surrender.
The invention of the new radar technology was really successful. Due to the conditions of the war, black-out events, where entire cities' power supply was shut down to confuse the Luftwaffe bombers. This is where the new radar technology was employed.
British RAF pilots were able to shoot down Luftwaffe targets terrorizing Britain without even seeing them. And to cover up the fact that they have an improved radar technology, they simply created the myth, and had a fighter pilot say "Oh. I ate carrots. They help you see better at night." and that was the origin of the myth.
Now that we gone through the with the origin of the myth, let's ask ourselves another question, is it actually fact or fiction ?
Now, various researches and studies had been conducted over the years, and studies shows that... drumroll please...
Yes. Under certain circumstances, carrots are able to improve our eyesight.
So, now that you know this, go out there and chew on the orange sticks more often.
Have you ever heard of the myth, "Carrots will improve your eyesight." ?
It is a very common myth, usually spread by mothers in an effort to encourage their children to eat carrots on their plates. But, has anyone ever told you where the myth came from ?
As I said at the first paragraph, this myth obviously came from WW2.
During World War 2, the British Royal Air Force developed new and improved radar technology. This helped them to fight back the Luftwaffe planes during the dead of night, as German fighters bomb various strategic and civilian targets, such as certain air force bases, ports and cities to cripple Britain and forcing them to surrender.
The invention of the new radar technology was really successful. Due to the conditions of the war, black-out events, where entire cities' power supply was shut down to confuse the Luftwaffe bombers. This is where the new radar technology was employed.
British RAF pilots were able to shoot down Luftwaffe targets terrorizing Britain without even seeing them. And to cover up the fact that they have an improved radar technology, they simply created the myth, and had a fighter pilot say "Oh. I ate carrots. They help you see better at night." and that was the origin of the myth.
Now that we gone through the with the origin of the myth, let's ask ourselves another question, is it actually fact or fiction ?
Now, various researches and studies had been conducted over the years, and studies shows that... drumroll please...
Yes. Under certain circumstances, carrots are able to improve our eyesight.
So, now that you know this, go out there and chew on the orange sticks more often.
Carrots were mythed?! NO!!!!!!!