Welcome to another blog post folks, and welcome to 2019.
Fresh start? Perhaps.
Either way, we're back to the no free topic zone, and today I'm going to discuss about my aspirations for 2019 and how to achieve them. Sounds narcissistic but okay...
2019, for me, is probably one of the most important year I'll ever go through in my life. Last year in school, and of course, the dreaded test that everyone is always hearing about since their births... SPM.
So, obviously, one of my aspirations for 2k19 is to do well for my SPM... since this bundle of papers can and will influence my future, whether on career or when I want to further studies. Long story short, unlike UPSR or PT3 (PMR if you OG), I shouldn't be fooling around this year. For starters, I implemented a personal time table and plan to stick to it until SPM is over? I'm sure many of you already do this, or just go for tuition instead, but as the old saying goes, practice makes perfect and this time table is specifically planned out to do so. Sacrificing personal time, of course, but no pain, no gain.
Aside from this government test shenanigans, the other one of my aspiration, albeit a personal one, is to finish writing an at least 20 thousand-words-long story. In the time table mentioned previously, I've already set up time for me to do some writing, be it practicing, or continuing this long winded yet "epic" saga. Maybe I'll release it after SPM and I get some funds to publish it. Who knows, life is full of uncertainty.
2019 is going to be a big year for me. Perhaps, for you too.
Either way, that concludes this week's blog post. Have a nice weekend, everyone.
Welcome to another blog post folks, and welcome to 2019.
Fresh start? Perhaps.
Either way, we're back to the no free topic zone, and today I'm going to discuss about my aspirations for 2019 and how to achieve them. Sounds narcissistic but okay...
2019, for me, is probably one of the most important year I'll ever go through in my life. Last year in school, and of course, the dreaded test that everyone is always hearing about since their births... SPM.
So, obviously, one of my aspirations for 2k19 is to do well for my SPM... since this bundle of papers can and will influence my future, whether on career or when I want to further studies. Long story short, unlike UPSR or PT3 (PMR if you OG), I shouldn't be fooling around this year. For starters, I implemented a personal time table and plan to stick to it until SPM is over? I'm sure many of you already do this, or just go for tuition instead, but as the old saying goes, practice makes perfect and this time table is specifically planned out to do so. Sacrificing personal time, of course, but no pain, no gain.
Aside from this government test shenanigans, the other one of my aspiration, albeit a personal one, is to finish writing an at least 20 thousand-words-long story. In the time table mentioned previously, I've already set up time for me to do some writing, be it practicing, or continuing this long winded yet "epic" saga. Maybe I'll release it after SPM and I get some funds to publish it. Who knows, life is full of uncertainty.
2019 is going to be a big year for me. Perhaps, for you too.
Either way, that concludes this week's blog post. Have a nice weekend, everyone.
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